Its sad when a great app gets destroyed after a poor update.
This app used to work wonders and was lots of fun. Granted, they never released any further packs but it was still my go to app to get my non-Hipstamatic images to look "hip."
Now, some of the chemicals, when applied, make the image vanish, replacing it with a cartoon blank face.
Hipsta-support says they have been aware of this problem (for the last year) but they cant find their way to get the developers to repair the problem.
The real shame is that the Hip team isnt paying any attention to this damaged app and continues to sell it on the I-store without any support.
So, although it was fun to mix up some chemicals, and use saved recipes its no longer possible.
Darn shame.
****They really should remove this from the App Store if they are not going to support it.****
Steplander about SwankoLab, v1.4